Reference Cases

From the various Tech Tribes, we make a difference with clients every day. Here you will find some references of companies that have partnered with us. 

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Resengo offers a comprehensive solution for reservation systems, helping businesses enhance the guest experience.

Ortec Finance

HCS Company

Ortec Finance and HCS Company have built a cloud-native platform on Azure Red Hat OpenShift for risk and return management.


HCS Company

Learn how Topicus scaled and streamlined their development process with OpenShift, resulting in faster and more effective development, easier management, and lower costs.

Port of Antwerp-Bruges


Discover how the Port of Antwerp-Bruges, a major economic powerhouse, teamed up with Axxes to develop APICA, a 2/3D version of the port that allows real-time visualization of data.


HCS Company

Energinet, in collaboration with HCS Company, have built a test and production server with Grafana. What were the technical issues and what are the advantages? Lena Kamstrup Kjær, the project manager and business developer at Energinet, and Benoit Schipper, the SRE at HCS Company, will tell you everything about it.



Smals, with more than 1750 employees, supports and guides the institutions in the social security and healthcare sector with their information management. Smals fulfills a unique role as an ICT integrator between the various public institutions. Their core business exists of delivering application development and infrastructure-as-a-service to all their users. To offer high-performance IT solutions at minimal cost, Smals aims for flexible services, sustainable expertise, standardisation and economies of scale. “We deliver mission critical services, 24/7, highly available and performant”, explains Luc Billion of Smals.



TVH, Group Thermote & Vanhalst, is the one-stop-shop for industrial vehicles and consists of 2 business units: TVH Parts & TVH Equipment. Worldwide, about 5,500 people work there, from Auckland to Vancouver. The IT department has approximately 150 employees. From this worldwide activity it is of course very important that people are also helped at night, or at least during the Belgian night. To achieve this, it was important to strengthen TVH with a partner that could offer this, confirms Frederik Clement, Group ICT Infrastructure Manager.

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