Tech Tribes now also offers 24/7 Open Source Support in the Netherlands.
HCS Company
Fri, 1 Dec 2023
Tech Tribes, the collective of 700 digital experts in the Benelux, now provides 24/7 Open Source Support in the Netherlands in addition to Kangaroot NL. Kangaroot NL has been established as a collaboration between HCS Company and Kangaroot, the Belgian Open Source service provider, with the aim of expanding HCS Company's existing portfolio with additional services such as 24/7 Support, Managed Services and delivering Enterprise Open Source software subscriptions from software vendors such as Red Hat, Elastic, EDB and NGINX, ....

Tech Tribes takes a stake in Open Source expert, Kangaroot.
Thu, 22 Jun 2023
It is from Tech Tribes that we are pleased to share today the happy news regarding our participation in Kangaroot. For us, Tech Tribes is a home of digital experts. More specifically, the cluster of IT companies built around Axxes, Euricom and HCS. Each with their own expertise and culture, but linked by a common vision and values. Combining commercial and operational forces is a strong win within the partnership, but the greatest added value lies in the cross-pollination of technological knowledge and experience. Indeed, our clients' complex digital challenges require cross-technology teams that can switch quickly

A tipping point: Tech Tribes takes a stake in HCS Company and moves into The Netherlands
HCS Company
Thu, 22 Jun 2023
Some moments in your professional career you never forget. Things that change the course of a company so hard that afterwards there is a "time before" and a "time after. I am delighted to announce that today Axxes is once again at such a tipping point: we are taking a stake in our industry peer HCS Company, expanding into The Netherlands.

Axxes acquires Euricom and strengthens its position in software development
Thu, 22 Jun 2023
Tech Tribes is acquiring Euricom, a company owned by NTT Ltd. Euricom's management will remain on board and both companies will continue to operate autonomously.